
Showing posts from September, 2017

Real Talk #1

Today is a good day. One of those few days where it feels like everything is actually going right. The dogs are all behaving, the baby isn't spitting up near as bad. Or screaming. Lord the screaming. New parents know that screaming. The screaming that comes from a baby suffering. Whatever causes it, gas, colic, reflux, it SUCKS. It makes life hard as hell. My 5.5 week old has slept pretty good today thanks to his new reflux meds. That means I slept pretty good. But this day is so rare I almost forgot what feeling human felt like. I managed to squeeze in a couple chores around the house. But let's be real , that shit lasted an hour at best. Maybe 2. I don't really pay all that much attention to time anymore. My life is basically nurse, change diapers, sleep, pump, eat (if I'm lucky). Sometimes I even find time to use the bathroom.  Lather, Rinse, Repeat. This last month has been one of the most challenging. Anyone who says that first month is not the hardest of your